
385-393 Lower Dandenong Road Dingley Village, VIC 3172
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Address:385-393 Lower Dandenong Road Dingley Village, VIC 3172

Wrasse climbing gourami amur pike Arctic char, steelhead sprat sea lamprey grunion. Walleye

523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA
since 1953

About Hardman BrosWe work for you since 1953

Established in 1953, Hardman Bros is an Australian family-owned company specialising in gear manufacturing, gearbox rebuild capabilties, CNC machining and general engineering.

Hardman Bros has built a strong reputation through the dedication and expertise of its skilled personnel. The company is widely recognised as a top-tier supplier of gears and gearboxes, catering to a diverse range of industries, including Mining, General Engineering, Agriculture, Energy, Automotive, Rail and Aerospace. Beyond our high-quality products, Hardman Bros is distinguished by adaptability, innovation, and proficiency in producing engineering components of varying complexities and dimensions, making us a trusted partner across these industries.


One of the key drivers behind Hardman Bros’ success is the unwavering commitment to continuous improvement. The company consistently reinvests in quality plant and equipment, ensuring that our manufacturing capabilities remain at the forefront of industry standards. This ongoing investment guarantees precision in products, on-time delivery, and optimum plant performance while minimising unscheduled downtime. 

Hardman Bros’ dedication to maintaining state-of-the-art machinery and equipment underscores our commitment to delivering the highest quality products and services to their valued customers.

History of our company

Hardman Bros has an extensive operational capacity, boasting over 140 machines & some of the most technologically advanced equipment available.

PartnersPartners who trust

Hardman Bros operates under a quality system that is certified to  ISO9001:2015 (TQCSI Certificate No. AU1646-QC)
Our scope of Certification covers: Manufacture, assembly and repair of gearboxes, associated power transmission products and components, gear cutting, CNC precision machining and general engineering for industrial, mining, defence, rail, agricultural, automotive and other applications